Follow these habits if you want to stand out from the crowd.

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Never be a part of the crowd.

People always like people who are different.

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Let's identify good habits. 

Don't be immediately impressed by anyone.

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Don't take others as a comparison.

Try to adopt the good habits of others.

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Don't depend on others to make you happy. 

Learn the art of living today and now in.

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Those who live in the present, have a living heart. 

Be self-reliant for success in life.

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Dress properly. Keep your clothes clean. 

Be self-reliant for success in life.

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Learn from your own and others' mistakes.

Do not criticize, it makes you small.

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If you don't understand, then develop the skill within yourself. 

Know your skills. 

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Be with good people and have good company.

Pay no attention to people.

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Be with good people and have good company. 

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Some work is done only when there is time. 

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That's why don't be disappointed if there is no work.

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Keep doing whatever you do.

Make the timetable.

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Use time properly.